
Creative Currents 〰️ by Alyssa-Ninja

〰️ Creative Currents #5: Good Surprises

Hi Reader,

Surprises—some we love, some we don’t. But how about the kind that turn out even better than expected? Sometimes, good karma comes through when you least expect it, and that’s exactly what happened to me last week (check out Inspiration Station for the details).

As I plan for Q4, I’ve been thinking about how these unexpected joys can spark creativity and help us move forward with renewed energy.



Good things happen

"This isn’t what we agreed upon." Recently, I was kindly invited to contribute a guest comment for an article on the craftsmanship platform Adorares. But to my surprise, they sent me a link to a full feature about me and my art! It left me speechless. Once I found my voice, I was thrilled to share my approach to pattern design. Read it here.


Pattern Play

Milk Marble Splash

Indeed, this is a repeat pattern too! I based it on a painting my lovely stepdaughter created a few years ago with paint and milk—yes, the white moo-cow kind you drink! I deconstructed her original artwork to build this design. Have a look below to see how it all came together.


Design Toolbox


Asking for feedback can be tough, as it opens the door to criticism. Years ago, I led a corporate design project that taught me to separate opinions from constructive feedback. Now, I appreciate how valuable input can be and push myself to ask for it even though it feels uncomfortable. That’s why I love using  Typeform for surveys—it's simple, clean, and keeps the focus on one question at a time.


Fuel Your Flow

4 Ways to Unblock

In August, I started a course on online publishing and reactivated my Medium account. Last week, I finally published my first article since 2022, where I share how I break free from paralysis; every time. It's a 3-minute read and I'd love to know what you think. Head over to Medium for more long-form articles. I can't wait to see you there.

Let me know what’s inspiring you this month—I’d love to hear! Simply hit reply and leave me a message.



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Creative Currents 〰️ by Alyssa-Ninja

Diving into all things creative flow—sharing fresh patterns, design tools, tips for unlocking your creativity, and inspiration to fuel your work. Get ready for a dose of pure, minimalistic beauty designed to spark your imagination.

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