
Creative Currents 〰️ by Alyssa-Ninja

Diving into all things creative flow—sharing fresh patterns, design tools, tips for unlocking your creativity, and inspiration to fuel your work. Get ready for a dose of pure, minimalistic beauty designed to spark your imagination.

〰️ Creative Currents: Beat the Clock, Boost Your Creativity

Hi Reader, Oh my. In the last couple of days, I’ve watched over 70 investment videos—why, you ask? I’m finishing an online course that I started almost a year ago, but made more than 60% of the progress within the last week. Do you sense what I'm hinting at? A looming deadline. My access ends tomorrow, and that ticking clock pushed me to action. This isn’t the first time I’ve raced to finish at the last minute. Why do we wait until deadlines force us to move? Do we really need deadlines to...

〰️ Creative Currents #7: Control vs. Letting Go in Creative Work

Hi Reader, It feels like we’re shifting into the cinnamon-and-pumpkin-spice season, but where I am, Indian summer fills the days with sunshine and a sea breeze. Last week, I made the move from Verona in Northern Italy, all the way to Southern Italy, hopped on a ferry to Western Greece, road-tripped to Athens in the East, and then caught another ferry down to Crete. Quite the journey into many celestial directions! In the weeks leading up to it, I planned, booked, and rebooked. It was...

〰️ Creative Currents #6: Finding Balance when everything moves quickly

Hi Reader, Life can move at a dizzying pace, and finding balance in the whirlwind can feel like an art in itself. When everything speeds up, it's more important than ever to slow down, tune in, and find your own rhythm. This issue is all about embracing that balance—whether it’s in your creative flow, daily routines, or mindset. Let’s explore ways to stay grounded and energized, even when life is rushing by. 💡 INSPIRATION STATION Homes with a Soul When Pepsi dog and I are out and about, I am...

〰️ Creative Currents #5: Good Surprises

Hi Reader, Surprises—some we love, some we don’t. But how about the kind that turn out even better than expected? Sometimes, good karma comes through when you least expect it, and that’s exactly what happened to me last week (check out Inspiration Station for the details). As I plan for Q4, I’ve been thinking about how these unexpected joys can spark creativity and help us move forward with renewed energy. 💡 INSPIRATION STATION Good things happen "This isn’t what we agreed upon." Recently, I...

What Are Your Limits? - Creative Currents #4

Hi Reader, Do you ever catch yourself wanting it all? I sure do—whether it’s building a pattern portfolio, writing online, publishing my second children's book, launching an online course, exploring new revenue streams, or even starting a podcast. This is me thinking that I have infinite energy and time, but reality says otherwise. Thankfully, a wise friend reminded me: take it step by step. 💡 INSPIRATION STATION Up, Up in the Sky Sometimes I wonder what my limits are. In a world where...

The End of Summer, Is It? - Creative Currents #3

Hi Reader, Over the past couple of days, I’ve been reminded how small moments, like time with loved ones, can spark big creative energy. Summer slowly winds down and I’m leaning into bold new designs and finding joy in the simple tools around me. I hope these little notes inspire you to fuel your own creativity! 💡 INSPIRATION STATION Quality Time with Loved Ones Last weekend, my mom visited, and she’s not just gorgeous (I mean look at her!), but also the sweetest person. Our time together...

Starting September Right: Tools, Colors, & a Gift

Hi Reader, I hope you’re feeling inspired and ready for some creative sparks this month! It's all about refining processes that keep creativity going, even when life gets busy. Let’s dive right in. 〰️ Fuel Your Flow Limit your time Got a few minutes? Set a timer. Whether you’re on the train or between meetings, working within short time limits can really boost your focus and creativity. 🎨 Design Toolbox Tool tip Ever tried Adobe Capture? It’s a lifesaver! Turn everyday scenes into design...

You're the first to know: Flow into Patterns is OUT NOW

Hi Reader, I’ve got something special cooking! My first online workshop, Flow into Patterns, is launching as a VIP Beta Run—an exclusive first wave for 5 creatives who are ready to bring more structure and joy to their design process. You'll get early access, plus a special one-time price for this intimate group. We’ll spend a week together, from finding inspiration to mastering colorways, all while using my UNmessy Path Template. Flow into Patterns This 5-day workshop series helps you...

Something is about to change ▾ Etwas liegt in der Luft

Hi Reader, Time flies when you're having fun. I'm thrilled to mark two incredible years since "The Alice Wonders" Kickstarter campaign launched. Thank you for being part of the journey. 🤸🏼♀️ Die Zeit vergeht wie im Flug, wenn man Spaß hat. Schon zwei erstaunliche Jahre sind seit dem Start der Kickstarter-Kampagne von "The Alice Wonders" vergangen. Danke, dass ihr Teil dieser Reise seid. NEW: A nest for stories & designs I'm excited to announce a new name that gives my creations a cuddly home:...

Diving into all things creative flow—sharing fresh patterns, design tools, tips for unlocking your creativity, and inspiration to fuel your work. Get ready for a dose of pure, minimalistic beauty designed to spark your imagination.